“The situation has become so extreme that Margaret Wallstrom, the UN’s special representative on sexual violence in conflict, has called the DRC ‘the rape capital of the world’.
More than 5.4 million have died since the conflict began in 1998. The death toll is equivalent to an Asian Tsunami every six months or so, or a September 11th every two and a half days.”
. New Statesman, July 2, 2010 http://www.newstatesman.com/blogs/the- staggers/2010/07/congo-drc-women-war-violence

2016 — 22 men are employed and trained in construction.
2017 — The Hope House construction is completed and several Congolese men and women are hired to oversee the house.
2018 — 155 men and women start post-secondary education at The University of Batissons l’Espoir in Central Africa (our education program).
2019 — The 1st year of secondary school (college) is underway after a successful year of preparatory school.
2020 — Several acres of our land are producing crops, and we’re looking into starting a piggery and raising chickens! The Covid-19 pandemic caused the school to close, but we’re thankful for God’s protection!
2021 — Our agriculture project as well as the piggery are doing wonderfully!
2022 — Trauma Healing For Children Leadership Seminar was attended by 31 people. It was well received, training completed, teaching materials distributed and future trainings are forthcoming.
2023-2024— Since 2022 Leaders in six neighboring towns have been trained in Trauma Healing and over 130 people have attended workshops. Final design and approvals on pricing for medical clinic are in the final stages. Construction is hopeful to start within the year.